Submission | 欢迎投稿

The conference only publish full papers, if you want your paper be published, you need send us the full paper.

The full paper should be at least 4 full pages and less than 10 pages. The authors should admit that the submitted paper is original, unpublished, and not submitted concurrently for publication elsewhere.

Template Download | 模板下载

Please prepare your paper under the Template.doc (WORD) |  

Submission Methods | 投稿方式

Please log in the Electronic Submission System; ( .pdf only) to submit your full paper and abstract.

For any inquiry about the conference, please feel free to contact us at: 

Manuscript Submission | 投稿须知

Papers will be reviewed based on the relevance, innovation, integrality, the “literary” presentation and the technical depth. Manuscript should contains text, in sequence of title, authors and their affiliations, abstract, keywords, main text part, acknowledgments, references and figure/table captions list in Word document (maximum 10 pages, including references and tables). Papers should present in a concise way the purpose of the paper, main theoretical framework/ assumptions and if applicable research methods and preliminary and/or expected results.


  • 1. 投稿论文需满足会议文章格式要求,下载文章格式 word模板LaTex 模板
  • 2. 会议官方语言为英语,只接受英文论文,投稿者务必用英语撰写论文。
  • 3. 投稿文章必须为原创高水平学术创新论文,从未出版过,并且不接受一稿多投。
  • 4. 投稿链接:
  • 5. 文章不能少于4页,文章超过6页的部分将收取超页费用。
  • 6. 大会接受全文和摘要,全文发表的作者会被邀请到现场做口头报告交流,文章会发表到论文集中;只提交摘要的作者也会被邀请到现场做报告交流但是摘要本身不会发表。

Critical Dates/重要日期 

Please Check the ICSGSC Calendar for Important Dates. 请关注会议的重点日期,合理安排投稿时间,有任何疑问欢迎联系会务组。

Submission of Full Paper:   June 15th, 2025  
投稿截止日:  2025年6月15日 
Notification Deadline  July 15th, 2025 
通知书发送:  2025年7月15日 
Registration Deadline:  July 30th, 2025 
注册截止日:  2025年7月30日 
Conference Dates:  November 1-3, 2025 
会议日期:  2025年11月1-3日 

Review Criteria | 审稿标准

Papers will be evaluated for relevance to ICSGSC, originality, significance, information content, clarity, and soundness on an international level. Each reviewer will indicate their expertise as an indicator for confidence in a particular topic area and hence review.

Relevance  Is the topic of the paper relevant to the scope of ICSGSC and its participants? Does it show the potential to stimulate interactive discussion? 
Originality  How novel and innovative is the paper? A paper presenting methods or application domains not frequently discussed will receive a high mark. This also takes into consideration whether the topic has been published in similar form before. If the paper contains mostly known material, i.e. established methods and well understood application domains, it is not considered very original. Empirical case studies of a particular application domain are often highly original, but may have only limited significance to the field. 
Significance  Does the paper make a valuable contribution to the theory or the practice of data mining? A high significance indicates a high influence of this research on following publications in the field or applications, implications for practices, policies and future research etc. It represents an indicator of the importance of the findings, regardless of their degree of originality. 
Clarity  Is the paper well presented and organised? A well presented paper enhances the understanding of the presented content also to non experts in the field. It often shows clear and logical presentation, appropriate style, the standard of English, freedom from errors, ease of reading, correct grammar and spelling, appropriate abstract, adequate use of graphical materials and tables to support ideas & findings, conformance with ICSGSC specifications for referencing, length and format details. 

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2025 the 9th International Conference on Smart Grid and Smart Cities (ICSGSC)