Download detail information about Sponsor here: Sponsorship Service - ICSGSC.pdf
When your company or organization joins the industry’s leading corporations and organizations as a sponsor, it will have established its commitment to the future of energy for the world to see.
Sponsors are benefits from | 赞助商将享受的待遇
- - Link from the Conference website to your corporate website | 在会议网页上交换链接
- - Inclusion on Honor Roll to be displayed throughout the conference | 以赞助商身份出现在整个会议流程中
- - Verbal recognition at opening and closing ceremonies | 在会议开闭幕中被提及
- - Logo (maximum 6 inches) prominently displayed on the tote bag | 商标可以被印在会议电脑包上
- - Company’s insert given to all congress delegates through tote bags | 公司的宣传资料同会议资料一起分发给参会者
- - Tickets to attend the entire conference (based on the sum of donation) | 获得参会名额(名额数量由赞助金额决定)
- - Quarter page/Half page /Full page advertisement in the final conference program (based on the sum of donation) | 获得最终日程的四分之一页/半页/全页广告页面 (页面由赞助金额决定)
Send the mail to or call +86-18123342942 to get the details. 有兴趣的单位欢迎来电来信咨询。
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2025 the 9th International Conference on Smart Grid and Smart Cities (ICSGSC)