ICSGSC 2024 | Shanghai, China
The 8th International Conference on Smart Grid and Smart Cities (ICSGSC) 2024, co-sponsored by Shanghai University of Electric Power and IEEE, was successfully held from October 25th to 27th. Hosted by the School of Electric Power Engineering, the conference facilitated the exchange of knowledge and advancements in smart grid technologies and urban development.
10月25日至27日,第八届智能电网和智慧城市国际会议(ICSGCS 2024)在上海圆满落幕。本次会议由上海电力大学和IEEE主办,电气工程学院承办,汇聚了国内外专家学者,共同探讨智能电网与智慧城市领域的前沿发展与未来趋势。
Prof. Chunhua Gu, President of Shanghai University of Electric Power were delivering opening addresses and Prof. Dongdong Li, Dean of College of Electrical Engineering, Shanghai University of Electric Power host the opening remark.
大会主席-上海电力大学校长 顾春华教授在开幕式上致辞,上海电力大学电气工程学院院长李东东教授主持开幕式。
After the opening ceremony, Prof. Henry Shu Hung CHUNG from City University of Hong Kong, Prof. Xiaorong Xie from Tsinghua University, Prof. Denis Sidorov from Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia, Prof. Jing Ma from North China Electric Power University and Prof. Adrian Ioinovici from Shanghai University of Electric Power, China gave keynote speeches.
Poster Session
Oral Sessions
Best Paper Awards Winners
Changhui Zhu Shanghai University of Electric Power, China co-authored with Xingang Yang, Yajun Zhang, Xuejun Xiong, Qian Feng, Yufan Zhang, Jiawei Zhang and Xiaoyan Bian Paper ID: SCE7082 Paper Title: Optimal Dispatch for Receiving-End Power Grid with Offshore Wind Farm Clusters Considering Peaking Compensation and Cost Allocation |
Xiao Zhou China University of Mining and Technology, China co-authored with Junbo Pi, Shixiong Qi, Huahua Wu, Wenduo Sun, Shengyuan Liu, Xiang Ma and Xu Tian Paper ID: SCE6560 Paper Title: Risk prediction and assessment of high voltage transmission lines under typhoon conditions |
Best Industry Paper Awards Winners
Shanke Mou State Grid Jiangsu Electric Power Co., Ltd, China co-authored with Kanqin Zhuang, Hao Chen, Min Cui and Lijun Wang Paper ID: SCE6144 Paper Title: A Fault Location Method for Modern Distribution Network Based on Fault State Estimation by Hybrid Measurement |
Qiang Zhou State Grid Gansu Electric Power Research Institute, China co-authored with PengFei Gao, QingQuan Lv, JianMei Zhang, ZhenZhen Zhang and JiaLin Zhang Paper ID: SCE0974 Paper Title: Integrating Fuzzy Chance Constraints with Operational Mechanisms in Concentrated Solar Power plants |
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2025 the 9th International Conference on Smart Grid and Smart Cities (ICSGSC)