Registration & Fee | 注册详情

The Registration fee include the full access to all conference sessions, related conference materials and catering.


Registration Fee | 注册费

Categories   Early Registration 早鸟价
(By July 30, 2025) 
Regular Registration
(After July 30, 2025) 
Author (Students)
470 USD / 3300 RMB  500 USD / 3500 RMB 
Author (IEEE Member)
IEEE会员 作者 
500 USD / 3500 RMB  520 USD / 3600 RMB 
Author (Committees)
委员会 作者 
520 USD / 3600 RMB  540 USD / 3800 RMB 
Author (Normal)
540 USD / 3800 RMB  570 USD / 4000 RMB 
Presenter Only
350 USD / 2500 RMB  390 USD / 2700 RMB 
Registration Link
220 USD / 1500 RMB  260 USD / 1800 RMB 
Delegates (Students)
Registration Link
150 USD / 1000 RMB  180 USD / 1200 RMB 
Additional Paper
400 USD / 2800 RMB  400 USD / 2800 RMB 
Additional Page (Over 6 pages)
60 USD / 400 RMB  60 USD / 400 RMB 

Registration Policy | 注册事项

  • 1. At least one author of an accepted paper needs to register for the conference and pay the full registration fee.
  • 2. The co-author(s) who is(are) going to attend the conference is(are) required to register for the conference as Delegate(s).
  • 3. Student fee is ONLY applicable for student who is the FIRST author of the paper. If you register as a Student, you will be asked to email a copy of your student ID card.
  • 4. One regular registration is within SIX Pages including all figures, tables, and references. Extra pages will be charged.
  • 5. Once a successful registration transaction has been completed, confirmation of registration in soft-copy via email would be sent to the email address of the registrant. For some registration types it may be necessary to complete required information – such as attendee name – before the confirmation of registration and invitation letter can be issued.
  • 1. 一篇文章至少一个作者注册才能出版。一个注册包含一本论文集。一位作者注册多篇文章,该作者需同时为这几篇文章的第一作者。一个作者多篇文章注册只提供一本论文集,如需多本,需购买额外论文集。
  • 2. 一篇文章注册只包含6页,如超过6页需缴纳相应的超页费。
  • 3. 以学生价注册文章,该学生必须为该论文的第一作者。请注册时附上学生证等证明文件的扫描件。
  • 4. 现场参会注册费包含:入场券,会议当天的午餐,晚餐,及会议资料。住宿费不包含需自理

Refund/Cancellation Policy | 退款/取消政策

Registrations cancelled more than 90 days before the event will be refunded 70% of the registration fees.

Registrations cancelled less than 90 but more than 60 days before the event will be refunded 50% of the registration fees.

Registrations cancelled less than 60 but more than 30 days before the event will be refunded 30% of the registration fees.

Registrations cancelled less than 30 days before the event will not be eligible for a refund.

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2025 the 9th International Conference on Smart Grid and Smart Cities (ICSGSC)