Special Session 1

Session 1: Key technologies for energy storage and virtual power plants flexibility resources to participate in power system operations and commercial mechanisms “储能及虚拟电厂参与电力系统调控运行及商业机制”

The consumption of new energy is the main support for achieving the dual-carbon national strategic goal. However, with the continuous increase in the penetration rate of new energy, conventional generation units as the main flexibility regulation resources in power grids are gradually being phased out, which results in the inability to guarantee the secure operation for power systems and thus greatly restricts the consumption of new energy. Flexible regulation resources including energy storage and virtual power plants can play an important role in power grid operations, and reasonable application them can help better ensure the secure, high-quality, economical, and low-carbon operations for power systems. However, the participation of the flexible resources in the regulation and operation and related market mechanisms require research and exploration to adapt to the construction and development of new power systems. This subject is to conduct extensive solicitation for key technologies related to the participation of flexible resources such as energy storage and virtual power plants in the operations and regulation of power systems, as well as commercial mechanisms, to promote the full utilization of flexible regulation resources and solve theoretical problems for flexible resources in new power systems.

Topics (Including but not limited to)

  • Planning, configuration, dispatch, and control strategies for energy storage and virtual power plants participating in power system operations.
  • Business modes and trading mechanisms of energy storage and virtual power plants in power systems.
  • Dispatchable capacities and control strategies for distributed flexible resource aggregation.
  • Aggregation, trading, dispatch, and control strategies for distributed energy storage resources and virtual power plants.
  • Collaborative control of the main-distribution network to support the flexible role of distributed resources.
  • Integration application and technical effectiveness of big data and artificial intelligence technology with energy storage and virtual power plants.
  • Analysis and optimization control of frequency security and stability mechanisms in new power systems.
  • Inertia support technology and frequency regulation capability evaluation for new power systems.
  • Coordination control for multi-type regulation resources with flexibility support in new power systems.
  • Modeling establishment and predictive evaluation theories of user energy consumption characteristics for dual-carbon goals.
  • Classification and design of load forecasting application scenarios under the influence of multiple factors.
  • Coordination optimization and control of multiple resources for conventional power sources, new energy, energy storage, and virtual power plants.
  • Theory and key technologies of distributed resource participation in the electricity retail market.

Chair: Assoc. Prof. Mingze Zhang, Harbin University of Science and Technology, China

Associate Professor Mingze Zhang was born in March 1997. He is a member of the Communist Party of China, and serves as a master’s supervisor. He graduated from Dalian University of Technology in 2024 with a major in Power System and Its Automation. His research focuses on the dispatch automation of power systems, especially in the operations and control for centralized and distributed energy storage participation in power systems with a high proportion of renewable energy. He has participated in one joint fund project of the National Natural Science Foundation of China and ten technology projects of State Grid Corporation of China. He has published 20 papers, including 5 papers as the first author in SCI indexed journals. He is also a reviewer for journals Energy, Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy, etc..

Co-chair: Dr. Yunpeng Jiang, Tsinghua University, China

Dr. Yunpeng Jiang received his Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from Chongqing University, Chongqing, China, in June 2024. He is currently a Postdoctoral Fellow with University of Tsinghua, Beijing, China. His research interests include the renewable energy accommodation, low-carbon integrated energy system optimization, and feasible theory. He has published seven papers in authoritative journals in the field of electrical energy, including Applied Energy, IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, and the Journal of Electrical Engineering & Automation. He has participated in five research projects funded by the National Natural Science Foundation, State Grid, and Southern Power Grid.

Co-chair: Dr. Zifeng Li, Dalian Electric Power Supply Company of State Grid Liaoning Electric Power Co., Ltd.

Dr. Zifeng Li was born in August 1994. He is a member of the Communist Party of China, and serves as a engineer. He graduated from Dalian University of Technology in 2023 with a major in Power System and Its Automation. His research focuses on the dispatch automation of power systems, especially in the operations and control for frequency stabilization of power systems with a high proportion of renewable energy. He has participated in one joint fund project of the National Natural Science Foundation of China and several technology projects of State Grid Corporation of China. He has published 14 papers, including 4 papers in SCI indexed journals. He is also a reviewer for journals IEEE Transaction on Indusry Applications, Recent Advances in Electrical&Electronic Engineering, etc..

Co-chair: Assoc. Prof. Yuehan Qu, Northeast Electric Power University, China

Assoc. Prof. Yuehan Qu was born in November 1995. He obtained a doctorate degree from the School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering at North China University of Electric Power University,Beijing,China, in June 2024, and is currently serving as a associate professor at Northeast Electric Power University,Jilin,China. His research direction includes intelligent operation and maintenance of power distribution equipments.He has published 16 papers, including 5 papers as the first author in SCI and EI indexed journals. He is also a reviewer for journals IEEE Transactions on Reliability, IET Electric Power Applications, etc.

Co-chair: Dr. Hui Li, University of Macau, Macau, China

Dr. Hui Li received his Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from Chongqing University, Chongqing, China, in June 2022. He was a Visiting Scholar with National University of Singapore, Singapore, from 2021 to 2022, a Visiting Scholar with Tsinghua-Berkely Shenzhen Institute, Shenzhen, China, in 2022. He is currently a Postdoctoral Fellow with University of Macau, Macao, China. His research interests include the planning and operation of low-carbon energy systems. He has published 30 papers, including 1 ESI highly cited article. He was the Guest Editor of Applied Energy and the recipient of IEEE Trans. on Sustainable Energy Outstanding Reviewer.

Critical Dates/重要日期

Submission of Full Paper:   September 15th, 2024 
投稿截止日:  2024年9月15日 
Notification Deadline  September 30th, 2024 
通知书发送:  2024年9月30日 
Registration Deadline:  October 10th, 2024 
注册截止日:  2024年10月10日 

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